Floor Mounted Bathroom Stalls

Benefits, Downsides, Costs, & Details:

Floor mounted in the second most mounting style for commercial bathroom partitions. The mounting style provides a spacious, consistent, and flush appearance across the top of panels and pilasters for a modern appeal.

Biggest Selling Point: Minimalistc appearance with flush top & 2nd most economical mounting style

Cost: Pricing is +5% premium compared to Overhead Braced style.

Benefits + Downsides:

  • Strength: The least stable mounting style. This mounting style is floor and wall supported (no overhead or ceiling support). 
  • Ease of Installation: The most easy to install mounting. Installers put these up very quickly.
  • Maintenance: Standard maintenance, floor obstruction due to floor bracing.
  • Downsides: Not as sturdy, as it has no overhead or ceiling bracing.
  • Why People Love It: The flush appearance of the stalls appeals to those seeking clean lines and a minmialist appearance.