You may want to know how much each bathroom stall mounting style costs. We have provided a comprehensive cost comparison between each bathroom stall mounting style. These costs vary due to differences in height of pilaster as well as floor or ceiling mounting hardware.
Overhead Braced: Base cost. Most economical mounting style.
(Major cost reduction benefits resulting from economies of scale production as a result of this being the most popular style produced).
Floor Mounted: + 5% compared to Overhead Braced.
(Less material compared to “Overhead Braced”, but does not benefit from economies of scale of production, compared to Overhead Braced).
Ceiling Hung: + 10% compared to Overhead Braced.
(Premium varies based on floor to ceiling height. The higher the ceiling, the longer the pilasters, the more the cost – vice verse. Additionally, longer pilasters can result in overlength size freight charges added to the project cost).
Floor to Ceiling: +20% compared to Overhead Braced.
(Same comments apply to “Floor to Ceiling” as from the “Ceiling Hung” style above).