Ceiling Hung Bathroom Stalls

Benefits, Downsides, Costs, & Details:

Ceiling hung bathroom stall mounting style does not require components to be mounted to the floor, which allows for easy floor cleaning as a result of the unobstructed floor space surrounding the stall. Ceiling bracing must be considered in the construction phase to support the weight and configuration of the partitions.

Biggest Selling Point: Easy clearning for maintenance staff.

Cost: Pricing is around +10% premium compared to Overhead Braced style. (Premium varies based on floor to ceiling height. The higher the ceiling, the longer the pilasters, the more the cost – vice verse. Additionally, longer pilasters can result in overlength size freight charges added to the project cost).

Benefits + Downsides:

  • Strength: Strong, however, this depends on installing properly into the ceiling blocking or beams. If not installed properly can sway, resulting in the doors not closing properly. 
  • Ease of Installation: Installation is more difficult resulting from the ceiling mounting, wherby one must navigate varying ceiling types, such as steel beam vs. wood blocking. It is critical to understand the ceiling structure and be sure preparation work is done before installation.
  • Maintenance: Most easy maintenance as the floor has no obstructions and can easily be mopped and cleaned.
  • Downsides: Higher product cost, more difficult installation, and not as sturdy.
  • Why People Love It: Easy to maintain and clean bathroom floors.